Wednesday, April 28, 2010


CSS makes it much easier for people to adjust their web pages without the need for extensive knowledge of html and without the need to change each individual line of html within the source code. This allows for the changes to be made rapidly and can easily be applied to many different pages at once in the process.
A template is able to change the layout of the entire webpage but only within the limits of what the teplate has been made to handle, this makes them very flexible when making the template but fairly rigid once they have been created.
Accessability is a very important thing to keep in mind when deciding how to set out a website as it allows for people who have a disability such as having difficulty in seeing to be able to make use of the website if it had, for example, parts that were based in audio.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Well here goes the assessment post. So far in this topic I have to admit that I have not done very much, partially because I have a bad habit of procrastination that I really need to break, and partly because some of the things that are asked of me simply do not fit with who I am.

In regards to blogger I have done almost nothing, the only posts that are up there are the ones that were explicitly required by the course pretty much with a grand total of 5 posts once this one goes up, I had actually forgotten that I even had a blog during the holiday break. The aesthetics haven't really changed, I looked at some of the other options but decided to just stick with my original one. Likewise I have not really commented on other blogs since, once again, I didn't even remember having this to begin with, and besides that I tend to just remain anonymous when I'm online, very rarely do I poke my head out to give comment or post on a site. I have recently left a comment on Gatt's blog though it currently cannot be viewed as it is awaiting approval.

As for delicious, once again I have only done what was required at the minimum, I have not needed it since any website that I have needed to access elsewhere I have had memorized or it was to check something on a site that had already been accessed on the computer, e.g. youtube. I have added the majority of the classes blogs to the list, as well as a ew sites that I frequent, namely this, this and this.

And flickr has been abandoned in favor of the tried and true Deviantart for me. I have put up 6 of the pieces that I have done which is the limit of the images that I have really looked at on the site so if you really wanted to see my fav images on flickr at this point in time simply visit my flickr page.

Well that's about it, hopefully I don't fail too miserably at this, and I'll be trying my best not to leave it until the last minute like this again.

More catch up

Well here is the post with links to three other sites that share the same principle as delicious. They are:

I didn't give myself the time to look at these due to my truly terrible procrastination skills but really they are essentially the same thing as delicious, so I can't see there being that much difference between them all.

Catch up work

Well this is to catch up on the work which I forgot to do, hopefully I'll still be able to get a pass at least.
In regards to the delicious website, I have to admit that it is an interesting idea, and I may end up using it eventually but for now I honestly do not like using it. I tend to avoid most sites that are considered anything like social networking as I don't like people seeing what I am up to unless they are friends of mine. So for now I will likely only do the bare minimum in regards to the course, though we'll see whether it changes later.
Here is my delicious account:

And I might as well cover flickr while I'm here. Really flickr just seems to me as more of an image upload site than anything else. I make use of Deviantart for my admittedly small gallery of images and there I can get access to a great art based community that can help me, I don't have any sort of feeling like that in regards to flickr, so I'm unlikely to ever really use it since it just seems so bland. Though I do realize that it is good for just sharing images, I'd rather do it withn a community that i know is into art.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Well this will be my second post on here, not a whole lot to say really other than I don't really use social networking much. Well classes are going alright for the most part, just have some work that I need to catch up on and other than that, if anyone would like to take a look at what little art I have uploaded to the net check out my Deviantart gallery:
Well that's all for now, seeya whenever I decide to post again I suppose.